JMS (Java Message Service) Providers for CWSerenade

Purpose: You can use IBM WebSphere MQ or HornetQ to send messages between CWSerenade and other applications.

WebSphere MQ and HornetQ components:

WebSphere MQ



Queue Manager

Connection Factory

Receives messages and puts them into the appropriate queue.



An area where messages are stored so that they can be processed in sequential order (first in, first out).

For HornetQ, queues are owned by a defined connection factory.

For WebSphere MQ, queues are owned by a defined queue manager.

MQ Explorer

extensible JMS console, such as HermesJMS

The application used to review and work with messages and queues.

Message log

Message log

The CWSerenade MQ Message Log tracks XML and transactional messages generated or received by CWSerenade.

If you use a CWIntegrate site: If you send messages between CWSerenade and a CWIntegrate site, you must use WebSphere MQ. CWIntegrate runs on version 1.5 of Java and HornetQ requires version 1.6 of Java; because of this, some java objects are incompatible.

Data security: Regardless of which JMS provider you use, configure the JMS provider to use TLS 1.2 (Transport Layer Security) to secure sensitive data.

Recommended queue manager or connection factory naming convention: MICROS recommends the following naming convention when creating a queue manager or connection factory:



SERVER = the name of the server where WebSphere MQ or HornetQ is installed.

JMS = defines whether this is a queue manager or factory connection (you are using WebSphere MQ or HornetQ).

QM = this is a queue manager for WebSphere MQ.

FC = this is a factory connection for HornetQ.


Example Name



This is a queue manager located on the SERENADE server.


This is a connection factory located on the SERENADE server.

Recommended queue naming convention: To easily identify the purpose of a queue, MICROS recommends the following naming convention when creating a queue:



SERVER = the name of the server where the JMS provider is installed.

PROCESS = the name of the CWSerenade process that sends or receives the message.

DIRECTION = the direction of the message.

IN = The message is inbound to CWSerenade.

OUT = The message is outbound from CWSerenade.

JMS = defines whether the queue is owned by a queue manager (you are using WebSphere MQ) or a connection factory (you are using HornetQ).

MQ = the queue is owned by a queue manager.

FC = the queue is owned by a connection factory.


Example Queue Name



The queue sends messages to the RETURN_IN IJCT job in CWSerenade. The queue is owned by a queue manager located on the SERENADE server.


The queue sends messages from the PICK_OUT IJCT job in CWSerenade. The queue is owned by a connection factory located on the SERENADE server.

Switching JMS Providers

To switch from one JMS provider to another:

1. Install the JMS provider.

2. Configure the JMS provider; see:

IBM WebSphere MQ Configuration for information on configuring CWSerenade to use IBM WebSphere MQ to communicate with other applications.

HornetQ Configuration for information on configuring CWSerenade to use HornetQ to communicate with other applications.

For more information: See Integration Layer Processes and Web Services for more information on the processes that send messages between CWSerenade and other applications.

JMS providers OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN